Friday, December 6, 2013

FACE SPRAY ala-ala artis Korea gitu!!!

Evian face spray
Salam cute girls! I ingat nak jual product ni la hehe...mesti uolls suka kan dapat berangan jadi artis Korea. Maklumla, dapat spray muka semua. 

Brand evian ni murah sikit berbanding brand Etude House, The Face Shop etc...but maybe because of the content and flavours...kalau evian neutral dan takde bau2 semua.

Kegunaan: untuk prepare makeup, segarkan muka (esp. time ngantuk or "summer" di Malaysia kih3), mahupun kejutkan orang yg sedang tidur.

Harga: RM17 (exc. postage ya).

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Skip a year. Ahah!

Wow! I skipped 2012 straight to 2013! Nampak sangat busy dengan thesis masa final year. =P

Uolls yang curious dengan news I, I sekarang habis belajar, masih cari job yang sesuai sementara itu jadi staff di butik Pearl Haya and part time di pusat tuisyen, gitu. So siapa ada job yang sesuai, bolehla offer kat I haha.

Dalam "kegawatan" nak cari job, I sempat brainstorm produk untuk start bisnes, nak cari modal etc. So in case uolls interested nak tahu bisnes yang I nak start, tunggu post seterusnya!

P/S: Psst!!!! Girls mesti suka produk ni hehe

Friday, April 22, 2011

nursery rhymes XD

twinkle twinkle lil star
how i wonder what you are
up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky

jack n jill went up d hill
to fetch a pail of water
jack fell down n broke his crown
n jill came tumblin after

humpty dumpty sat on d wall
humpty dumpty had a great fall
all d king's horses
n all d king's men
cudn't put humpty together again


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

the day our smiles sit side-by-side

though i never say "i love u"
though i never kiss you
though i hangout with my friends more
though i never sing you a song
though i never call you
though i never text you
though i never look you in the eyes properly
though i dislike some of your ways
though i never reply your love signs

i want you to know that there's no other than YOU

and if......

i am not there for you
i am not as perfect as you wanted
i am not like what you wish for
i am no longer beautiful in your eyes
i am just a nuisance to you

it is not ok but if it's for the best, i'll let you go.......

but i will forever love you....

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Boys never get it....[sigh]


It's been a long time since I updated you, my blog. VERY long time.

Yesterday I was told how "wide" I am compared to my [thin] problem, except, it was a HE who told me that. Yes ladies & gentlemen, a HE.

Though he denied being serious, that he was only saying & joking, I really err, felt [terasa] huuhuu...

Don't boys have any idea how traumatic it is for an M girl turning into L in a short period of time? Okay, fine, size doesn't matter to you guys [yeah right] but do you know how it feels like to:

  • Get into your favourite clothes halfway because it was stuck at the widening shoulders?
  • Wear your routine jeans up to the knees only because something did get fatter there?
  • Look in the mirror & noticed that the mirror is smaller than your body?
  • Starve yourself or refrain from eating McDonald's just because you're on a [lifetime] diet?
  • Being asked by your neighbours, your tuition student's mother, your aunt, your siblings, your cousins & you own mom etc, "How come you're getting fat, when you're supposed to get thinner coz of study?"
  • Flip through magazines and saw a nice dress but being turned down because you feel it won't ft you?
  • Watch music videos of K-pop girl groups and watch droolingly their long slender legs and SLIM bodies?
  • et cetera
It's sensitive to us girls just like how sensitive you are about your fave FC =P

Sunday, February 13, 2011

saya tak sihat prof


  • Dah 3 hari demam...kebah sikit je sbb degil tak nak pg klinik
  • 3rd day of demam=pening kapla
  • 3rd day of demam=batuk sampai takde suara
  • Sabar je sebab sakit kan pghapus dosa-dosa kecil (^^,

Monday, November 8, 2010

bila mama beri "signal"


Bila usia saya dh mencecah 20 ni [baru je okke], mama sy dah mula bg signal2 amaran huhu....apakah ia???

"Mamemo [bukan nme sebenar] jiran kita tu dh nak tunang minggu depan.."

Minggu seterusnya...

"Adik Mamemo dh ade pakwe taw..."

3 minggu kemudian....

"Anak Cik Yeyeng [pon bkn name sbenar] bru je tunang hari tu.."

sebulan kenapa tonggang terbalik kronologinya?hahahahhaha

"Kak Ni nak kawin tak boleh tua sangat nanti susah nk carik."

STOPPP MA!!! \(@_@)/ OKKE SY FAHAM!!! faham perasaan mama sbb sy anak gadis tunggal dlm family [ala 2 beradik je pon]..

Tapi......................tapi, tapi sy bukan xmaw fikir soal calon suami!!!(T_T) nak!!!sape taknak...umo 20 nila time menggatal miahahhahahha gelak kejam.

Ke mama terlupa umor sy?Beliau ingat sy 29 tahun kot?hahas!!!ish x baek x baek....

Sabar ea ma......xpe2 kawan2 sy majoritinya blom ade lg jgak so mama you're not alone....kikikiki

Saya kena cari taktik laen nk alihkn pandangan mama drp issue ni kui3